
B-ASIC Signal Flow Graph Module.

Contains the signal flow graph operation.

class b_asic.signal_flow_graph.GraphIDGenerator(id_number_offset: GraphIDNumber = 0)

Bases: object

Generates Graph IDs for objects.

property id_number_offset: GraphIDNumber

Get the graph id number offset of this generator.

next_id(type_name: TypeName, used_ids: MutableSet = {}) GraphID

Get the next graph id for a certain graph id type.

class b_asic.signal_flow_graph.SFG(inputs: Sequence[Input] | None = None, outputs: Sequence[Output] | None = None, input_signals: Sequence[Signal] | None = None, output_signals: Sequence[Signal] | None = None, id_number_offset: GraphIDNumber = 0, name: str = '', input_sources: Sequence[SignalSourceProvider | None] | None = None)

Bases: AbstractOperation

Construct an SFG given its inputs and outputs.

Contains a set of connected operations, forming a new operation. Used as a base for simulation, scheduling, etc.

Inputs/outputs may be specified using either Input/Output operations directly with the inputs/outputs parameters, or using signals with the input_signals/output_signals parameters. If signals are used, the corresponding Input/Output operations will be created automatically.

The id_number_offset parameter specifies what number graph IDs will be offset by for each new graph component type. IDs start at 1 by default, so the default offset of 0 will result in IDs like “c1”, “c2”, etc. while an offset of 3 will result in “c4”, “c5”, etc.

inputsarray of Input, optional
outputsarray of Output, optional
input_signalsarray of Signal, optional
output_signalsarray of Signal, optional
id_number_offsetGraphIDNumber, optional
nameName, optional
property components: List[GraphComponent]

Get all components of this graph in depth-first order.

connect_external_signals_to_components() bool

Connect any external signals to the internal operations of SFG.

This SFG becomes unconnected to the SFG it is a component off, causing it to become invalid afterwards. Returns True if successful, False otherwise.

copy(*args, **kwargs) GraphComponent

Get a new instance of this graph component type.

The new instance will have the same name, id, and parameters.

critical_path_time() int

Return the time of the critical path.

edit() Dict[str, SFG]

Edit SFG in GUI.


Evaluate the operation and generate a list of output values.


List of input values.

evaluate_output(index: int, input_values: Sequence[int | float | complex], results: MutableMapping[ResultKey, int | float | complex | None] | None = None, delays: MutableMapping[ResultKey, int | float | complex] | None = None, prefix: str = '', bits_override: int | None = None, quantize: bool = True) Number

Evaluate the output at the given index with the given input values.


Which output to return the value for.

input_valuesarray of float or complex

The input values.

resultsMutableResultMap. optional

Used to store any results (including intermediate results) for caching.

delaysMutableDelayMap. optional

Used to get the current value of any intermediate delay elements that are encountered, and be updated with their new values.

prefixstr, optional

Used as a prefix for the key string when storing results/delays.

bits_overrideint, optional

Specifies a word length override when truncating inputs which ignores the word length specified by the input signal.

quantizebool, default: True

Specifies whether input truncation should be enabled in the first place. If set to False, input values will be used directly without any bit truncation.

See also

evaluate_outputs, current_output, current_outputs
find_by_id(graph_id: GraphID) GraphComponent | None

Find the graph component with the specified ID.

Returns None if the component was not found.


Graph ID of the desired component.

find_by_name(name: str) Sequence[GraphComponent]

Find all graph components with the specified name.

Returns an empty sequence if no components were found.


Name of the desired component(s).

find_by_type_name(type_name: TypeName) Sequence[GraphComponent]

Find all components in this graph with the specified type name.

Returns an empty sequence if no components were found.


The TypeName of the desired components.

find_result_keys_by_name(name: str, output_index: int = 0) Sequence[ResultKey]

Find all graph components with the specified name.

Return a sequence of the keys to use when fetching their results from a simulation.


Name of the desired component(s).

output_indexint, default: 0

The desired output index to get the result from.

get_operations_topological_order() Iterable[Operation]

Return an Iterable of the Operations in the SFG in topological order.

Feedback loops makes an absolutely correct topological order impossible, so an approximate topological Order is returned in such cases in this implementation.

get_precedence_list() Sequence[Sequence[OutputPort]]

Return a precedence list of the SFG.

In the precedence list each element in n:th the list consists of elements that are executed in the n:th step. If the precedence list already has been calculated for the current SFG then return the cached version.

get_used_type_names() List[TypeName]

Get a list of all TypeNames used in the SFG.

property id_number_offset: GraphIDNumber

Get the graph id number offset of the graph id generator for this SFG.

property input_operations: Sequence[Operation]

Internal input operations in the same order as their respective input ports.

inputs_required_for_output(output_index: int) Iterable[int]

Return which inputs that the output depends on.


The output index.

A list of inputs that are required to compute the output with the given
insert_operation(component: Operation, output_comp_id: GraphID) SFG | None

Insert an operation in the SFG after a given source operation.

The source operation output count must match the input count of the operation as well as the output. Then return a new deepcopy of the sfg with the inserted component.


The new component, e.g. Multiplication.


The source operation GraphID to connect from.

insert_operation_after(output_comp_id: GraphID, new_operation: Operation) SFG | None

Insert an operation in the SFG after a given source operation.

Then return a new deepcopy of the sfg with the inserted component.

The graph_id can be an Operation or a Signal. If the operation has multiple outputs, (copies of) the same operation will be inserted on every port. To specify a port use 'graph_id.port_number', e.g., 'sym2p4.1'.

Currently, the new operation must have one input and one output.


The source operation GraphID to connect from.


The new operation, e.g. Multiplication.

insert_operation_before(input_comp_id: GraphID, new_operation: Operation, port: int | None = None) SFG | None

Insert an operation in the SFG before a given source operation.

Then return a new deepcopy of the sfg with the inserted component.

The graph_id can be an Operation or a Signal. If the operation has multiple inputs, (copies of) the same operation will be inserted on every port. To specify a port use the port parameter.

Currently, the new operation must have one input and one output.


The source operation GraphID to connect to.


The new operation, e.g. Multiplication.


The number of the InputPort before which the new operation shall be inserted.

property is_constant: bool

Return True if the output(s) of the operation is(are) constant.

property is_linear: bool

Return True if the operation is linear.

iteration_period_bound() int

Return the iteration period bound of the SFG.

If -1, the SFG does not have any loops and therefore no iteration period bound.

property operations: List[Operation]

Get all operations of this graph in depth-first order.

property output_operations: Sequence[Operation]

Internal output operations in the same order as their respective output ports.

property precedence_graph: Digraph

The SFG in precedence form in Graphviz format.

This can be rendered in enriched shells.

print_precedence_graph() None

Print a representation of the SFG precedence list to the standard out.

If the precedence list already has been calculated then it uses the cached version, otherwise it calculates the precedence list and then prints it.

remove_operation(operation_id: GraphID) SFG | None

Remove operation.

Returns a version of the SFG where the operation with the specified GraphID removed.

The operation must have the same amount of input- and output ports or a ValueError is raised. If no operation with the entered operation_id is found then returns None and does nothing.


The GraphID of the operation to remove.

replace_operation(component: Operation, graph_id: GraphID) SFG

Find and replace an operation based on GraphID.

Then return a new deepcopy of the SFG with the replaced operation.


The new operation(s), e.g. Multiplication.


The GraphID to match the operation to replace.

set_execution_time_of_type(type_name: TypeName, execution_time: int) None

Set the execution time of all operations with the given type name.


The type name of the operation. For example, obtained as Addition.type_name().


The execution time of the operation.

set_latency_of_type(type_name: TypeName, latency: int) None

Set the latency of all components with the given type name.


The type name of the operation. For example, obtained as Addition.type_name().


The latency of the operation.

set_latency_offsets_of_type(type_name: TypeName, latency_offsets: Dict[str, int]) None

Set the latency offsets of all operations with the given type name.


The type name of the operation. For example, obtained as Addition.type_name().

latency_offsets{“in1”: int, …}

The latency offsets of the inputs and outputs.

sfg_digraph(show_signal_id: bool = False, engine: str | None = None, branch_node: bool = True, port_numbering: bool = True, splines: str = 'spline') Digraph

Return a Digraph of the SFG.

Can be directly displayed in IPython.

show_signal_idbool, default: False

If True, the graph_id:s of signals are shown.

enginestr, optional

Graphviz layout engine to be used, see https://graphviz.org/documentation/. Most common are “dot” and “neato”. Default is None leading to dot.

branch_nodebool, default: True

Add a branch node in case the fan-out of a signal is two or more.

port_numberingbool, default: True

Show the port number in case the number of ports (input or output) is two or more.

splines{“spline”, “line”, “ortho”, “polyline”, “curved”}, default: “spline”

Spline style, see https://graphviz.org/docs/attrs/splines/ for more info.


Digraph of the SFG.

show(fmt: str | None = None, show_signal_id: bool = False, engine: str | None = None, branch_node: bool = True, port_numbering: bool = True, splines: str = 'spline') None

Display a visual representation of the SFG using the default system viewer.

fmtstr, optional

File format of the generated graph. Output formats can be found at https://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html Most common are “pdf”, “eps”, “png”, and “svg”. Default is None which leads to PDF.

show_signal_idbool, default: False

If True, the graph_id:s of signals are shown.

enginestr, optional

Graphviz layout engine to be used, see https://graphviz.org/documentation/. Most common are “dot” and “neato”. Default is None leading to dot.

branch_nodebool, default: True

Add a branch node in case the fan-out of a signal is two or more.

port_numberingbool, default: True

Show the port number in case the number of ports (input or output) is two or more.

splines{“spline”, “line”, “ortho”, “polyline”, “curved”}, default: “spline”

Spline style, see https://graphviz.org/docs/attrs/splines/ for more info.

show_precedence_graph() None

Display the output of precedence_graph() in the system viewer.

simplify_delay_element_placement() SFG

Simplify an SFG by removing some redundant delay elements. For example two signals originating from the same starting point, each connected to a delay element will combine into a single delay element.

Returns a copy of the simplified SFG.

split() Iterable[Operation]

Split the operation into multiple operations.

If splitting is not possible, this may return a list containing only the operation itself.

swap_io_of_operation(operation_id: GraphID) None

Swap the inputs (and outputs) of operation.


The GraphID of the operation to swap.

to_sfg() SFG

Convert the operation into its corresponding SFG.

If the operation is composed by multiple operations, the operation will be split.

classmethod type_name() TypeName

Get the type name of this graph component.

unfold(factor: int) SFG

Unfold the SFG factor times. Return a new SFG without modifying the original.

Inputs and outputs are ordered with early inputs first. That is for an SFG with n inputs, the first n inputs are the inputs at time t, the next n inputs are the inputs at time t+1, the next n at t+2 and so on.


Number of times to unfold.