Comparison with folding

This is a common example when illustrating folding.

In general, the main problem with folding is to determine a suitable folding order. This corresponds to scheduling the operations.

Here, the folding order is the same for the adders as in the standard solution to this problem, but the order of the multipliers is different to keep each memory variable shorter than the scheduling period.

from b_asic.architecture import Architecture, Memory, ProcessingElement
from b_asic.core_operations import Addition, ConstantMultiplication
from b_asic.schedule import Schedule
from b_asic.signal_flow_graph import SFG
from b_asic.special_operations import Delay, Input, Output

in1 = Input("IN")
T1 = Delay()
T2 = Delay(T1)
a = ConstantMultiplication(0.2, T1, "a")
b = ConstantMultiplication(0.3, T1, "b")
c = ConstantMultiplication(0.4, T2, "c")
d = ConstantMultiplication(0.6, T2, "d")
add2 = a + c
add1 = in1 + add2
add3 = b + d
T1 <<= add1
out1 = Output(add1 + add3, "OUT")

sfg = SFG(inputs=[in1], outputs=[out1], name="Bi-quad folding example")

The SFG looks like:

%3 in0 IN (in0) add0 add0 in0->add0 0 add0.0 add0->add0.0 out0 OUT (out0) add2 add2 add2->out0 add1 add1 add1->add0 1 add0.0->add2 0 t0 t0 add0.0->t0 t0.0 t0->t0.0 add3 add3 add3->add2 1 cmul0 b (cmul0) cmul0->add3 0 cmul1 d (cmul1) cmul1->add3 1 t1.0 t1.0->cmul1 cmul2 c (cmul2) t1.0->cmul2 t1 t1 t1->t1.0 t0.0->cmul0 t0.0->t1 cmul3 a (cmul3) t0.0->cmul3 cmul2->add1 1 cmul3->add1 0

Set latencies and execution times

sfg.set_latency_of_type(ConstantMultiplication.type_name(), 2)
sfg.set_latency_of_type(Addition.type_name(), 1)
sfg.set_execution_time_of_type(ConstantMultiplication.type_name(), 1)
sfg.set_execution_time_of_type(Addition.type_name(), 1)

Create schedule

schedule = Schedule(sfg, cyclic=True)'Original schedule')
Original schedule

Reschedule to only require one adder and one multiplier

schedule.move_operation('out0', 2)
schedule.move_operation('add2', 2)
schedule.move_operation('cmul2', -3)
schedule.move_operation('add3', 3)
schedule.move_operation('cmul1', -3)
schedule.move_operation('cmul1', 1)
schedule.move_operation('cmul0', 1)
schedule.move_operation('in0', 3)
schedule.move_operation('cmul2', -1)
schedule.move_operation('cmul0', 1)'Improved schedule')
Improved schedule

Extract operations and create processing elements

operations = schedule.get_operations()
adders = operations.get_by_type_name('add')"Adder executions")
mults = operations.get_by_type_name('cmul')"Multiplier executions")
inputs = operations.get_by_type_name('in')"Input executions")
outputs = operations.get_by_type_name('out')"Output executions")

p1 = ProcessingElement(adders, entity_name="adder")
p2 = ProcessingElement(mults, entity_name="cmul")
p_in = ProcessingElement(inputs, entity_name='input')
p_out = ProcessingElement(outputs, entity_name='output')
  • Adder executions
  • Multiplier executions
  • Input executions
  • Output executions

Extract and assign memory variables

mem_vars = schedule.get_memory_variables()"All memory variables")
direct, mem_vars = mem_vars.split_on_length()"Non-zero time memory variables")
mem_vars_set = mem_vars.split_on_ports(read_ports=1, write_ports=1, total_ports=2)

memories = []
for i, mem in enumerate(mem_vars_set):
    memory = Memory(mem, memory_type="RAM", entity_name=f"memory{i}")
    memory.show_content(title=f"Assigned {memory.entity_name}")"Direct interconnects")
  • All memory variables
  • Non-zero time memory variables
  • memory0
  • Assigned memory0
  • memory1
  • Assigned memory1
  • Direct interconnects

Create architecture

arch = Architecture({p1, p2, p_in, p_out}, memories, direct_interconnects=direct)

The architecture can be rendered in enriched shells.

%3 cluster_memories Memories cluster_pes Processing elements cluster_io IO memory0 in0 memory0: (RAM, 1 cell) out0 out1 memory0out0_branch memory0:out0->memory0out0_branch memory1 in0 memory1: (RAM, 2 cells) out0 adder_in1_mux in0 in1 adder_in1_mux out0 memory1:out0->adder_in1_mux:in0 2 cmul in0 cmul out0 cmulout0_branch cmul:out0->cmulout0_branch adder in0 in1 adder out0 adderout0_branch adder:out0->adderout0_branch output in0 output input input out0 adder_in0_mux in0 in1 in2 adder_in0_mux out0 input:out0->adder_in0_mux:in0 1 cmul_in0_mux in0 in1 cmul_in0_mux out0 cmul_in0_mux:out0->cmul:in0 adder_in0_mux:out0->adder:in0 adder_in1_mux:out0->adder:in1 adderout0_branch->memory0:in0 1 adderout0_branch->output:in0 1 adderout0_branch->cmul_in0_mux:in1 1 adderout0_branch->adder_in1_mux:in1 2 memory0out0_branch->cmul_in0_mux:in0 3 memory0out0_branch->adder_in0_mux:in2 1 cmulout0_branch->memory1:in0 2 cmulout0_branch->adder_in0_mux:in1 2

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.411 seconds)

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