
These are examples of how B-ASIC can be used.

Introduction example for the TSTE87 course

Introduction example for the TSTE87 course

Example SFG used for scheduling in the TSTE87 course

Example SFG used for scheduling in the TSTE87 course

LWDF first-order allpass section

LWDF first-order allpass section

Connecting multiple SFGs

Connecting multiple SFGs

Third-order Bireciprocal LWDF

Third-order Bireciprocal LWDF

Two-tap FIR filter

Two-tap FIR filter

Second-order IIR Filter with Schedule

Second-order IIR Filter with Schedule

First-order IIR Filter with Simulation

First-order IIR Filter with Simulation

Comparison with folding

Comparison with folding

Second-order IIR Filter with Architecture

Second-order IIR Filter with Architecture

Three-point Winograd DFT

Three-point Winograd DFT

Five-point Winograd DFT

Five-point Winograd DFT

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